Ridiculously simple and lightweight placeholders

A free placeholder service designed for developers. Integrates seamlessly with React & NextJS.

npm install placeholder

Using the CDN

To use PlaceholderJS via the CDN for simplicity and/or compatibility with non-JS tools, you can simply use the scheme https://placeholderjs.com/HEIGHTxWIDTH. All image placeholders must have a height and width defined.



Specify the size of the placeholder image by adding the width and height to the URL. Here is an example of how that works for a 500 x 500 image. All image placeholders must have a height and width defined.



Specify custom text in the placeholder image by adding your text to the URL. Here is an example of how that works for Hello World!


Using with JS

PlaceholderJS works seamlessly with all major JavaScript frameworks including React, NextJS,

View PlaceholderJS Docs